Starting from 19th July 2024, we have moved our Registered Office to the following address:
Via Valparaiso, 1
20144 Milano
The Operational Headquarters remain the same:
Via del Lavoro, 5
20022 Castano Primo (MI)
Stay up to date on the latest news from Eurotrol’s world
Starting from 19th July 2024, we have moved our Registered Office to the following address:
Via Valparaiso, 1
20144 Milano
The Operational Headquarters remain the same:
Via del Lavoro, 5
20022 Castano Primo (MI)
Copyright © – All Rights Reserved Eurotrol S.p.a.
Codice fiscale, Partita IVA e iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Milano n° 12939330150, REA di Milano n°1600528